You were born to be a success.
Simply by being alive, you’ve already proven this. Biologically speaking you’ve already defied the odds by having been born.
Your desires were given to you, specifically.
They are unique to you and to you alone. Sure, other human beings may have similar desires, but no two humans can have the exact same desire.
Your desires were given to you for a reason…to live them.
You aren’t meant to just want what you want. You are meant to experience the physical reality of having what you want.
You are part of nature and have everything you need available to you so you can flourish and thrive.
The Universe is expanding, it’s growing, which is as nature intends. You as part of nature are also meant to grow and expand.
You’re not meant to stay where you are, you’re meant to move forward towards the realization of all your unique dreams and desires.
If your desires are meant for you—they are.
And if you’re meant to grow and thrive—you are.
Why wouldn’t you be able to realize the physical manifestation of your desires?
It can’t be because you don’t have what it takes.
It can’t be that your desires are impossible.
And it most definitely can’t be because you aren’t worthy.
The only thing that is keeping you from realizing the physical manifestation of your desires is what you think, what you believe about your ability to have them.
If you believed that you are a success—you are.
If you believed that your desires are possible for you—they are.
If you believed that you are meant to LIVE your desires—you are.
Then you wouldn’t be stewing in self-doubt, procrastinating, or making excuses for why you don’t have them.
You’d be living from a state of positive expectation, you’d be acting as the version of you who has all the things you desire right now.
What’s stopping you?
The stories, the thoughts you’re choosing to accept as truth.
Grab your journal and dig into the following…
What do I really, truly desire?
What do I believe about my ability to get it?
What am I afraid of experiencing if I go after this with everything I’ve got?
What bad thing might happen if I did get it?
Then look at all of your answers to the last three questions. And ask yourself…
Are my current beliefs helping me achieve my desires or are they holding me back?
They’re holding you back.
Now, you have a choice. You can continue to think those thoughts and live your life as though they are true.
Or you can choose new thoughts.
You are under no obligation to believe any thought you think. If it’s not serving you then you have the power to choose a new thought that does.
Grab your journal again and flip those disempowering thoughts on their head by writing reframes for each that feel good.
Affirm these new thoughts DAILY.
Beliefs are simply thoughts you keep repeating. So, start repeating these new helpful thoughts and watch as your life changes.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.