Choose To Yield Rather Than Stop

Choose To Yield Rather Than Stop

Today’s a new day. You’re free to start anew.   Even though I believe ANY day of the year is the perfect day to restart, to set new intentions, to claim a new and better future. I still love the energy of the new year. It’s filled with hope,...
Acceptance…It frees the mind.

Acceptance…It frees the mind.

Can you accept the way your life is right now at this moment?   Even though things aren’t the way you want them can you accept this moment? Maybe things are super fucking shitty—can you accept them anyway?   Your ability to accept your life right now...
The Power of Choice is Always Yours

The Power of Choice is Always Yours

The power of choice is always yours.   Every morning, when you wake up you get to choose how you feel about the day. In every situation, you get to choose how you respond. You get to choose how you feel about the way you lived your day. You get to choose how you...
It’s not supposed to be comfortable.

It’s not supposed to be comfortable.

It’s not supposed to be comfortable.   Think about that thing that you really, really, really want. The deepest desires of your heart. Got it? Can you see it in your mind? Can you feel the joy, the excitement of having it? Now, consider why you don’t...
Who You Are Is Enough.

Who You Are Is Enough.

Who you are is enough.   You are enough. Do you believe this? Do you know this deep down in the core of your being? Do you trust the truth of this?   YOU ARE ENOUGH.   There isn’t anything you need to do to prove yourself. There isn’t anything you need...
Whose rules are you living by?

Whose rules are you living by?

Whose rules are you living by?   Your parents? Your friends? Your colleagues? Your coaches and mentors? Your cultures?   Whose rules are you following?   Do you even know? Have you ever thought about it? Because the truth of the matter is there are no...
The Small Things You Do Daily Really Do Matter

The Small Things You Do Daily Really Do Matter

Ever get hung up, caught in overthinking and inaction because every available action feels too small, too insignificant?   It’s easy to fall into this pattern. It’s easy to think that if we don’t do something big then we aren’t going to get closer to our...