Things will go wrong.
Tasks will take longer than you thought they would.
Challenges will come up.
You’ll think it’s all working and then realize “oh, crap. No wait, that actually doesn’t work.”
Challenges are a part of the journey.
They happen.
It’s inevitable.
The question isn’t ‘will there be challenges?’
But rather, how will you respond when challenges happen?
Starting a business.
Developing a workout habit.
Being in a loving, healthy relationship.
The way to achieving everything you desire is a journey.
And that journey will be filled with ups and downs. Twists and turns. Leaps ahead and setbacks.
That’s life.
You can get pissed.
You can be frustrated.
You can toss in the towel.
You can get excited.
You can have fun learning and figuring shit out.
You can stay the course until you hit your target. And then keep on going towards the next one.
It’s your choice.
And when you make the choice to embark on the journey, know that it will require…
And know that there may be times when the path is unclear and the way forward feels daunting. Choose to embark on the journey anyway.
It’ll be worth it.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.