Don’t settle.
Don’t settle for less than what you really and truly want.
Don’t let the opinions of others about what is possible stop you from going after your dreams. Their opinions are based on their belief systems. They are their thoughts.
They do not have to be yours.
Their thoughts do not have to be yours.
Their beliefs do not have to be yours.
Don’t settle for living less than a life that you love.
Don’t settle for a life that you can’t wait to wake up to. A life that leaves you feeling deep fulfillment when you go to sleep at night. That’s possible for you. But…
You must not settle!
What you want is possible, it has to be or you wouldn’t want it.
If what you want IS possible (and you can bet your pretty ass it is) then why would you ever settle for anything less?
Choose to know that what you want is possible.
Choose to believe that you can and will have what you want.
Choose to believe in yourself.
Choose to believe in your ability to create a life you love.
Don’t ever settle.
Your dreams are waiting for you to choose them.
Your dreams are waiting for you to become the you who lives them.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.