Life is right now.
This moment.
This instant.
Right now.
Is the only moment that exists.
There is no past.
There is no future.
It’s all right now.
If you’re thinking about the past, you are still in the Now. You’re in the now focusing your attention on things that have already happened.
If you’re dreaming about the future, you are still in the Now. You’re here in the now focusing on thoughts about what you want to experience (or maybe about what you don’t want. And if that’s what you’re doing please, please, please understand that you are creating that for yourself.)
Remembering the past and envisioning the future occur in the Now.
There is no distinction between past, present, and future. It’s all right now.
You can’t change what you did in the past.
No amount of thinking will ever change the actions you took yesterday, last week, last year.
Fixating on the past, continually living in what happened influences the Now and what you will experience in the future.
So, choose to let the past go.
Forgive yourself for anything that you think you shouldn’t have done.
It happened, therefore, it was meant to happen.
Everything is always working for your highest good. But you’ll miss out on the gifts, the lessons, the blessings if you judge, criticize, and condemn yourself for your past.
Let it go.
You also can’t act in the future.
You can’t do tomorrow’s work today.
The only space you can act is right now.
You can act, be, and exist right now in an infinite number of ways.
You can exist in alignment with your goals, aspirations, vision, your dream life.
Or not.
You can be in alignment with your highest self, your most abundant self.
Or not.
You could if you so chose (although I’m not sure why you would) to exist as the negative, judgmental, critical version of yourself.
Again, not sure why you’d choose that when you can choose from an infinite pool of possibilities.
It’s your choice though.
In this moment you get to choose how you BE.
You choose how you exist.
You choose how you act.
You choose how you think.
In this moment, you choose.
You can’t act in the past.
You can’t act in the future.
You can ONLY act in the present.
This moment.
This instant.
This blip in time.
This slice of eternity is all that has ever and will ever exist.
Who do you choose to be Now?
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.