It’s not about action for action’s sake.
You don’t take action just to take action. You take action because it’s your next aligned step.
There is a difference between action and aligned action.
Sometimes when you don’t feel like doing the thing you know you need to do your first step is to shift your inner shift.
You need to change your thoughts and create higher vibrational feelings. And then do the thing.
But there are also times when you don’t feel like doing the thing because it’s not the aligned action in that moment.
How do you know the difference?
You know.
You always know.
You know when you’re avoiding doing the work because you’re choosing not to be who you say you want to be.
And you know when you’re avoiding it because your soul, your heart, your intuition is guiding you to something else.
You know the difference.
One feels constrictive.
And the other expansive.
One leaves a bitter after taste of disappointment in yourself for not doing what you committed to doing.
And the other leaves pure sweetness because you know that you did the right thing by putting off the planned action. Putting you in an even better state, allowing a new inspired idea to come through while opening you up to see a new opportunity.
One leaves you on the verge of regret (if not over the edge).
And the other leaves you on the precipice of possibility.
One is ego-driven.
And the other soul-aligned.
One is rooted in fear.
And the other grounded in love.
You know the difference.
When you get honest with yourself the answer is clear as fucking crystal. You know.
So, the next time you’re in resistance pause. Tap in. Get honest about which one it is.
Then take action accordingly.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.