Stop cheating on your future with your past.
Your past is over. It’s done. It no longer exists.
And yet…
You keep choosing it over your future.
You’re sacrificing your future, all that is available for you, the infinite possibilities open and ready to come in. Because you’re choosing to relive memories of the past.
Stop it.
You deserve better.
Your future is open, it’s infinite.
Your past is done.
All that remains is the narrative you choose to tell about it.
The narrative that exists only in the present. The narrative that you create.
Is the narrative helping you?
Is it helping you create a life that you love?
Is the narrative helping you achieve the goals, dreams, and aspirations you have for yourself and your life?
Then rewrite it. Yes, you get to rewrite it.
It’s not written in stone.
You can choose to tell a new story about what’s come before.
You can choose to tell a story that helps you create the life you dream about.
And if you want to create a future that’s different from your past then you MUST stop telling yourself the story about the past that makes you feel like shit.
It’s up to you to choose differently. Choose better.
You get to.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.