There are no rules for your life. You’re trying to live your dreams.
There are no rules about what constitutes a successful life.
There are no rules about where you have to live, how you have to live.
There are no rules about what relationships you have to have in your life or how those relationships have to look.
There are no rules about how you have to spend your time.
There are no rules defining your creativity, in whatever way you love to express it.
There are no rules dictating the step-by-step process you must follow to build a successful business.
There are no rules telling you the “correct” way to market yourself, your business.
There are no rules.
This is your life you get to make up the rules.
Let me repeat that…this is YOUR life.
You get to do YOU.
You get to define the rules by which you live.
You get to create the rules about what a successful life means for you.
You get to write the rules for your relationships (of course there will be co-creation with the other person, but you get to decide what you will and will not accept).
You make the rules for how you spend your time.
You define the rules for your creative expression.
You create the rules for your business- its growth, offers, impact, sales, contribution. It’s your business you design it.
You get to write the rules for how you market.
This is your life, why would you spend it living by others’ rules, rules which are almost certainly in conflict, quite possibly in direct opposition to what you want?
This is your life choose to live it for you.
Write your own rules.
Define success for you.
Trust that your success is possible.
Trust that your rules are the perfect rules for you.
You do you.
And in the words of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe…
“Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.”
This is your life, it’s time to live it your way, for you.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.