What if you gave yourself permission to do what is right for YOU?

Who are you? text vertically along a photo of a woman standing on a beach looking skywards with the text journaling prompts for uncovering who you are below

What if you gave yourself permission to do what is right for YOU in whatever way is right for you?

What would change?

How would you feel going to bed every night knowing you spent your day doing what was right for you?

What would you do?

Who would you be?

What would you be creating?

You are a natural-born creator.

You are capable of creating anything and everything that you truly desire to.

Do you get this? Really get it?

If you really get it then that big dream, the one that scares you, the one you’re afraid to share because people will see just how “crazy and unrealistic” you are would be on your calendar every day. You’d be moving toward it despite it being completely audacious and totally unrealistic.

So, what’s stopping you?

Fear of being judged?

Well, gorgeous, I hate to break it to you but you’re being judged now.

So, why not be judged for living your life your way?

What else is stopping you?

Fear of not being enough?

Is that really it?

Well, perhaps in part since that pesky question “who am I to have that?” floats through your mind daily, sometimes hourly.

And if you dig deeper…

Is it really that you’re scared of not being enough, or are you actually afraid of being “too much” and then being judged and abandoned?

Are you afraid that if you pursue your dream and if you actually live it then you’ll be all alone?

Do you know that’s true, that if you live your dream that you’ll be alone?

I know it can sure feel that way when so many around you don’t get what you’re doing, they don’t understand the dreams on your heart.

It feels that way, but is it true? Are you absolutely 100% certain that if you live your dream that you’ll be alone?

You can’t be sure of that.

And if you can step outside the fear for a moment you’ll realize that there have to be others around. When you picture your dreams you’re not alone, are you? There are others in the dream helping you bring the vision to life.

It’s true that not everyone who is around you now is certain to be there when you’re living your dream life. Not everyone is meant to experience it with you and that’s okay too.

And yet, that fear of being alone lingers. It clings to you because there is someone you’re afraid of losing.

So, my love, who are you afraid will leave?

Do you know for sure that if you lived your dream that they would no longer be a part of your life?

You can’t know for sure. You can have a hunch, but you won’t know until you take the actions and become the woman living that dream.

You can be afraid of being judged, you can be afraid of not being enough, you can be afraid of being abandoned by the people you love.

But know this…

If you allow those fears to rule then you must understand that you’re choosing your fears over your dreams.

Do you want to hold yourself back and play small to avoid being rejected?

Do you want to continue to believe the story that you’re not “good enough”?

Do you want live your life trying to keep the people in it who aren’t willing to or able to be there when you’re living your dreams?


Are you ready to live your life in pursuit of that audacious, scary as fuck dream knowing that you’ll be rejected and feel “not enough” and that some people won’t stay with you?

We all have fears.

We all doubt ourselves.

We all worry about how we’re going to make our dreams happen.

It’s a natural part of being human.


We don’t have to live as though our fears are true.

99% of the time they’re not. They’re just thoughts, make-believe scenarios that may or may not ever happen.

If we believe them, if we live as though they’re true then we’ll never achieve the things we desire to. We’ll never experience the physical reality of those dreams that we continually find ourselves thinking about when laying in bed at night.

The good news is that you get to choose.

You get to decide if you’re going to live as though the fears are true.

If you live as though they’re true you’re choosing your fears over your dreams.

Or you can expose them as the lies they are and move forward toward your dreams.

Which do you choose?

Will you give yourself permission to do what is right for you and your dreams?

I fucking hope so.

Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.
xoxo natalie

Hey there!

a photo of natalie

I'm Natalie, and I'm pleased to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. I'm a mindset coach and business strategist for women who know they were born for more and are ready to claim it.

Outside of business, I'm a kitty mama, meditation-lovin' vegan, with a daily workout obsession (1,811 days and counting!), who loves the wrtiten word.

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