All of your results begin from within.
They start with your mindset.
Your thoughts.
Your beliefs.
What you think determines how you feel.
How you feel determines the actions you take AND how you perform those actions.
thoughts ➙ feelings ➙ actions ➙ results
It starts within.
It’s easy to see this play out if you think about a workout. When you’re feeling lit up and positive during a workout you’ll perform better. You’ll push yourself harder in the best way possible.
On the other hand, if you get into your workout and you’re telling yourself how hard it is, how much it hurts, how tired you are. Then how are you going to perform?
You sure as hell aren’t going to be at your best.
Your best comes when you’re feeling good.
You perform better when you feel good.
You get more desirable results when you feel good.
Think back and prove it to yourself.
When you feel good, strong, capable, confident you perform better.
When you’re telling yourself that you’ve got this and can do it (whatever ‘it’ is) you do better than when you’re telling yourself you can’t do it.
It’s true when working out.
It’s true in business.
It’s true in life.
How you think determines how you feel.
How you feel determines how you act. Both in terms of what you do and how you do it.
How you do what you do determines the results you get.
If you want different results start thinking differently.
Start with your thoughts, they’re where it all begins.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.