Who you are is enough.
You are enough. Do you believe this?
Do you know this deep down in the core of your being?
Do you trust the truth of this?
There isn’t anything you need to do to prove yourself.
There isn’t anything you need to do to be worthy of what you desire.
There is never anything required beyond you being who you truly are.
But that’s where most of us get hung up.
We are fuzzy about who we are.
We’re living within the confines of other people’s opinions of who we are and what we’re capable of.
We’ve bought into the lies of our own inner critic about what’s possible for us.
We’ve adopted and created limits that keep us hiding out and playing small.
We fail to give ourselves permission to own who we are and what we want.
We’ve chosen to deny the truth of who we are in favor of the illusions of love, safety, and belonging.
It’s a choice.
Because it’s a choice it’s within your power to change it.
Today, at this moment you can choose differently.
If you knew you were enough what would you ask for?
If you knew that right now you are enough what would you be doing?
How would you be living?
If you fully believed that you are in fact enough exactly as you truly are who would you be?
Meditate on these questions, journal on your answers, and LIVE from your truth.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.