You Choose How You Experience Life

Who are you? text vertically along a photo of a woman standing on a beach looking skywards with the text journaling prompts for uncovering who you are below

You get to choose how you experience life.
It’s your choice. Always.

No matter what’s happening in the world around you how you think about it, how you feel about it, how you respond to it—those are all choices you make.

Even now while the world is in the midst of massive change and our sense of security has been shaken and our lives have been disrupted. You still get to choose.

Amidst all this uncertainty and chaos, you still have the opportunity to choose your experience.

It’s your choice how you experience life, not because you can control what’s happening around you and how other people are being.

It’s your choice how you experience life because you still have full control over…

…the thoughts you think.
…the beliefs you accept as truth.
…your perspective and how you choose to see your circumstances. 
…the words you use.
…where you direct your energy.
how you feel.
…how you treat your body.
…the kindness you bring to yourself and others.
…the judgments you pass over yourself and others.
…whether you respond with love or fear. Hate or anger.
…the gratitude you give for being alive and all the good, bad, beautiful and ugly that goes along with being human.
…how you nourish your mind and soul.
…the thoughts you think.

It’s all under your control.

No matter what happens you always have control over how you respond. Always.

It’s in the moment between stimulus and response that you choose how you live.

Will you respond with love and kindness? Or will you react with fear and anger?

The way you choose to respond is everything.

Yes, times are scary. Yes, things are uncertain. 

But you’ve always had the power to choose how you respond. You’ve always had the power to choose your experience, that hasn’t changed.

Perhaps, everything happening in the world is inviting us to explore how we respond.

To slow down—physically and mentally.

To take a pause and breathe.

How you breathe is also your choice. Do you breathe slow and rapid? Or long and deep? They feel very different.

Slowing down mentally can be challenging.

It’s why journaling is so damn powerful. Because when you write you force your mind to slow down. You force your thoughts to slow down.

And when your thoughts slow down, you can see what you’re thinking. You can see where you’re believing bullshit and where you’re telling yourself stories that hold you back and make you miserable.

When you become aware of your thoughts something magical happens.

They lose a little bit of their power and you step into a position of power because you get to choose to either keep them or pick new ones.

Slowing down.
Putting pen to paper.
Examining your thoughts.
It opens you up to choosing new responses.

It opens you up to choosing a new experience of life.

Pause. Take a breath. Choose a new thought. Empower yourself.

It’s all within your power.

This is your life you get to choose how you experience it.

Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.
xoxo natalie

Hey there!

a photo of natalie

I'm Natalie, and I'm pleased to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. I'm a mindset coach and business strategist for women who know they were born for more and are ready to claim it.

Outside of business, I'm a kitty mama, meditation-lovin' vegan, with a daily workout obsession (1,811 days and counting!), who loves the wrtiten word.

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