You want the glamour, but are you willing to do the unglamorous work?

Who are you? text vertically along a photo of a woman standing on a beach looking skywards with the text journaling prompts for uncovering who you are below

If you want the glamour you’ve got to be willing to do the unglamorous work. Always.

Often we want the end result but we don’t want to commit to doing the work to get it. And then instead of owning the fact that we refused to do the fucking work we choose to invent reasons why it wasn’t meant to be.


We always know the truth.

We know when we failed to do the work, which yes, is usually not nearly as sexy as the outcome.

We know when we didn’t align our thoughts, our words, and our actions with the outcome.

We know when we made up bullshit excuses.

We always know.

The area where this habit is the easiest to see is our fitness.

Think about someone who has the type of body you want. They have the muscle tone, the definition, the curves, the healthy glow. You feel inspired by them and maybe a little jealous (which isn’t a bad thing it’s simply showing you something you desire for yourself).

Now think about how they got that body. They didn’t wave a magic wand or wish upon a falling star.

They put in the work.

They took care of their body day in and day out.

They fed their body healthy, nourishing foods.

They hydrated.

They moved their body.

They didn’t sit around eating junk while talking about how they’re going to have a hot bod one day.

Hell no. They put in the work.

They did the unglamorous work.

They worked out even when they didn’t feel like it.

They ate healthy foods even when drive-through junk food seemed more convenient.

They became the person with that body before they had the body. And that’s why they’ve got the body.

It’s the daily disciplines that make the difference.

You make the decision.

You commit.

Then you follow-through.

While re-committing as many times as it takes. 

Honoring the daily process of doing the work.
Until you’ve got the outcome.

And then…

You keep going.

The same as true in ALL areas.

If you want your relationships to be different then decide what you want. Commit to having it. Define your daily disciplines. And follow through on them.

The same holds for your spiritual life, your finances, your business, your career. It’s all the same process.

Decide what you want.

Commit to having it. 

Do the work daily.

Be the you who’s got it before it shows up.

The unglamorous work precedes the glamour.

If you want the glamour you’ve got to do the unglamorous work, are you willing?

Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within. 
xoxo natalie

Hey there!

a photo of natalie

I'm Natalie, and I'm pleased to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. I'm a mindset coach and business strategist for women who know they were born for more and are ready to claim it.

Outside of business, I'm a kitty mama, meditation-lovin' vegan, with a daily workout obsession (1,811 days and counting!), who loves the wrtiten word.

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