While reading over the weekend, the phrase “dog days of summer” came up twice.

It stuck in my mind…

And wouldn’t let go!

Sunday evening as I snuggled my old man, Mischief, inspiration struck…

And The Cat Days of Summer was born.

3 of my best-selling home-study programs.

1 student favorite program from the vault.

3 business strategy & creative services programs

2 mindset coaching programs

At wildly special prices.

for 5 days only.

The Cat Days of Summer is on until midnight ET Tuesday, August 22nd.

Shop Home-Study Programs

Click an image to jump to a specific program or keep scrolling to browse everything available.

Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance

Start creating the life of your dreams with 30 days of journaling practices.

There is tremendous power in journaling. It can change your life if you let it—

Will you?

Start writing down your thoughts.
Start investigating the things you believe.
Start exploring your inner workings.

When you bring awareness to your inner world you open up to an incredible source of power.

A source of power that will help you quite literally write your own reality.

This program is your starting point.


Over the next month, we’ll be looking at…

What success really means to you

How do you see yourself beyond the standard labels

Why your current self-image is keeping you from manifesting your desires

The ways your mind is keeping you safe while simultaneously sabotaging your efforts

Who do you most deeply desire to be? What would life be like if you were her NOW?

How to give yourself permission to be who you want to be and live the life you want to live

The stories that are keeping you from the life you dream about and then you’ll rewrite them so you stop living them

How to OWN your worth so you stop discounting yourself, your services, and your dreams

Releasing all the shoulds and shouldn’ts and owning what you truly desire to have, do, and experience. And then give yourself permission to do it all

What brings YOU joy (because it’s not the same for everyone)

Raising your level of toleration so you stop putting up with the shit that drives you nuts

Self-LOVE baby, the juice that powers it all

What to do when you identify the fears keeping you stuck so they stop stopping you

Money, money, money. Your beliefs about it determine how much of it you get so we’re going deep here.

What living a rich life means to you

How to step into the abundance that you ALREADY have so you can receive MORE

And so much more!


What’s included…

Successful Mind Pre-Work

30 Daily Audio Trainings

Daily Journaling Prompts & Exercises

Bonus Meditations

Money Mindset Mini (yet Mighty) Course


Save over 40% when you join today!

Are you living the life you want?

Are you making the money you desire?

Are you everything you want to be as a person?

If you answered “no” to any of these, I have one more important question for you:

Can you honestly say, you believe in yourself AND you know the work you are doing is what you need to be doing to have the life and business you want?

In The Dream Alignment Bootcamp, we’re going to…

Get your head in the game…YOUR game, so you’ll no longer suffer from comparisonitis

Get clear on WHO you are at your core

Create a vision so clear and moving that you can’t help but shout it out from the rooftops

And get you into inspired action


So, your life in 14 days is totally different from your life today.

This is for the passionate and tenacious woman who knows she was born for greatness and is determined to leave a legacy that knows no bounds.


What’s Included?

Three Audio Trainings:

I’ll take you through my personal process to get you so in tune with your vision that you’re bursting with excitement. Plus an accompanying beautifully designed PDF workbook to help you dig deep into your soul’s desires.

We’ll get strategic and turn those gorgeous dreams into reality through goals backed with consistent action.

I’ll help you get (and keep!) your head in the game—YOUR game. Because comparison-itis isn’t doing you (or your dreams) any good.

A Guided Visualization for when the sh*t hits the fan.

Because it’s inevitable that you’ll hit roadblocks along the way. But with this exercise, you won’t find yourself spinning out of control when it happens.


Plus, you’ll receive TWO incredible bonuses!

A bonus audio training to knock out any ‘self-sabotaging’ habits that creep in on your way to greatness

A guided visualization to use to make those less than pleasurable activities positively joyful


Now, you have a decision to make, you can keep doing what you’re doing and hope that something magically changes.


You can say YES to Yourself, Your Dreams, and Your Life. And let me help.

Let me help you get your head back in the game.
Let me help you find clarity on who you truly are and what you really desire.
Let me help you get into massive inspired action that will transform your life forever.

You CAN do this. You CAN live YOUR dream life and you can start NOW.


Save $100 during The Cat Days of Summer

Release the past, envision a beautiful future that’s true to you, and create an actionable plan with built-in flexibility for when life happens.

Plan your most successful quarter with the 5-phase Abundant Planning System.


During this workshop, you will…

Connect with your vision, define success for yourself, and tap into who you’re dreams require you to be.

Plan your most successful quarter using the 5-phase Abundant Planning System.

Get clear on what matters and what doesn’t, plus free up time by focusing your energy on what matters.

Know that every step you take, every project you complete, and every goal you achieve over the next 90 days is bringing you closer to your vision and closer to living your dream life.


What’s Included?


These 5 videos will guide you through the five phases of The Abundance Planning System.


Get implementing faster with these workbooks. Copy the Google docs straight to your account or download them in your preferred format.


Audios, meditations and guided visualizations, and spreadsheet templates to help you map your plan and corral your to-do list.


Save over 50% during The Cat Days of Summer
A student favorite from the vault!

Program Price $333

Currently ONLY available during The Cat Days of Summer!


You weren’t born to struggle.

Learn how to create success with ease.

Your mind’s built-in protection mechanism has been keeping you safe your entire life.

Unfortunately, it’s now the thing keeping you from achieving your big goals and dreams.

This program will show you how to put an end to this pattern.


This 3-Part Training Series will help you…

Discover how your mind’s built-in protection mechanism has been keeping you stuck

Understand what taking responsibility for your life looks like

Recognize and release the “logical” and “valid” excuses that have kept you from achieving your goals

Learn the #1 mistake keeping you from the success you desire

Identify the role fear plays in your life

Learn how to believe in your dreams and take action even when fear rears its ugly head


Here’s what you get…

Video 1: Your Mind Is A Tool

♥ Why and how your mind keeps you safe at the expense of your goals
♥ The vital difference between knowing and knowing
♥ How to shine the light of truth on the lies your mind is telling you


Video 2: Gaining Clarity & Taking Responsibility

♥ A surefire way to keep yourself from having the life you want
♥ What taking full responsibility for your life looks like
♥ Why taking responsibility is not about blaming yourself


Video 3: Moving Beyond Your Fears

♥ Why fear is a good thing
♥ How your fears are opportunities that can help you
♥ How to use your mind to work with your fears instead of letting your fears paralyze you

PLUS journaling exercises with each video to help you integrate your new insights and awarenesses


Save 60% before Success with Ease returns to the vault!

Business Strategy & Creative Services

Click an image to jump to a specific program or keep scrolling to browse everything available.

Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
As business owners, we get caught in the weeds of the day-to-day.

Moments where you’re pulling your hair out wondering why it’s not selling when you know that it’s amazing.

Moments where things feel so dang overwhelming and complicated, where imposter syndrome has you ready to curl up under the covers and hide away while having a big ole cry.

In those moments, it’s beyond helpful to have someone who believes in you, who has the capacity to hold your vision for you, and who can help you see your way out of the weeds.

That’s what these sessions are for.

You’ll share a bit about your vision and what’s working and not and share relevant assets, which I’ll review in advance of our session. Then together we’ll roll up our sleeves and look at what’s going on and what internal and external shifts you can make to get things flowing again.


Your Session Includes:

Customized Pre-Work. Upon purchasing your session I’ll be in touch with your pre-work as well as booking details for your session.

 A 90-Minute Call via Zoom. After I’ve reviewed your pre-work, we’ll meet and dive straight into what’s going on in your business and what mindset shifts and strategic actions you can make to get things moving.

 Recording & Notes. Within 48 hours after we wrap up, I’ll send you the recording of our session along with any notes that I made while reviewing your pre-work or during your session.


Save 33% during The Cat Days of Summer!
Let’s be real with each other here, at the end of the day, it’s pretty simple…

You want more people, buying more of your stuff, with more ease.


You’ve heard the hype and you’ve been craving your own sales funnel that converts, well gorgeous, now’s the time to make it happen.

You have a great offer and you’re ready to get it into the hands of more perfect-fit clients, but you know that simply isn’t possible with your current approach nor is it sustainable. You’re ready to step it up, but the thought of creating an automated sales system is well…exhausting and overwhelming.

You don’t know where to start.

You aren’t sure you’ve got all the pieces put together or okay let’s be honest—you’re not even sure you know what all the pieces are.

And you don’t have the time to learn how to do it all.


Automated Cash Machine



A 1:1 strategic experience dedicated to helping you strategize and design your entire sales system for one or more of your paid offers.

Together, we’ll map out everything from your traffic sources to lead magnet and follow-up emails to your offer and sales emails to checkouts and delivery. Plus everything in between including simple ways to add as much as an extra 25-50% onto each sale.

Your Automated Cash Machine integrates all of these pieces (and more) so that you have a well-crafted sales system that is sustainable and scaleable.




Phase I: Your Vision

Phase II: Your Strategy

Phase III: Your Funnel Map



Upon registering, you’ll receive an email with your pre-work questionnaire so that you can get everything down on paper that I need to know and so my brain can get to work on ideas for your funnel straight away.

We’ll have a three-hour session to strategize and plan your funnel. We’ll map out every aspect of your strategy including what you’ll offer, sales page optimization, checkout flow, email sequences, marketing, and promotion plan.

Within 5 business days, you’ll receive your personalized Funnel Playbook that will detail your shiny new funnel. Inside your Playbook, you’ll see your entire funnel mapped out on one page so that you know how it all connects and works together to create an amazing customer experience.

This will be fully customized and may include wireframes, copy frameworks for your landing & sales pages, email sequence outlines, content suggestions, and more.


Save $1,111 during The Cat Days of Summer!
Fast-track your FEA Create membership and funnel setup with a VIP Day.

The process of building an online course or membership and setting up a funnel—even a seemingly simple one—can feel overwhelming and frustrating.

Add in learning a new platform…

And you might be ready to burst into tears and toss in the towel.

You want to spend your days creating programs, coaching, and being in your zone of genius, NOT figuring out all the tech.

With an FEA Create Digital VIP Day, you get a dedicated day on my calendar to finally make your course or funnel dreams a reality.

No pushing back launch dates or waiting weeks and months to get the project finished.

Instead, we’ll get your membership or funnel set up in a day (or two)!

How does your VIP Day work?

Step 1: Book Your Day

After paying, you’ll receive a welcome email with a quick questionnaire to complete sharing general details about your project and goals for your VIP Day.

Step 2: Pre-VIP Day Prep Work

Once I’ve reviewed your questionnaire, I’ll send you personalized prep work that will maximize what we can get done during your day. The more thorough your prep work, the more we’ll be able to check off!

Step 3: Kick-Off Strategy Session

Before your VIP Day, we’ll connect for a 45-minute strategy session to review your prep work addressing any items to maximize your VIP Day.

Step 4: Your VIP Day!

On the day of your VIP Day, I’ll work on your project and update you on my progress via our private chat dashboard. You’ll be able to answer any questions and give your feedback.

At the end of the day(s) you’ll have a shiny new funnel or membership site!

Step 5: Follow-Up Support

After your VIP Day, you’ll have 30 days of support via our private dashboard for any questions about what we completed during your day.

And if there’s more work you’d like taken off your plate, you can book an additional half or full day.

Your VIP Design Day Includes

Personalized Prep Work. Customized to your needs so we maximize what can be completed during your VIP Day.

Kick-Off Strategy Session. Before your day, we’ll connect to review your prep work, discuss your goals, and ensure we’re fully prepped for your day.

VIP Day. On the day of your VIP Day, you’ll have 6 hours of my dedicated time working on your project. We’ll communicate via our private dashboard to keep things rolling swiftly and efficiently.

30 Days of Support. You’ll have 30 days of support via our private dashboard for any questions about what we set up during your day.

Save $750 during the Cat Days of Summer!

Mindset & Success Coaching

Click an image to jump to a specific program or keep scrolling to browse everything available.

Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
Journaling for Joy, Success and Abundance
You + Me + 120 Minutes = Your Life Changed


When was the last time you sat with someone in a sacred space of trust, commitment, and vision?

If you’ve never experienced it—the time is now.

If it’s been a hot minute—the time is now.

How It Works

Once you purchase, you’ll receive an email with a link to book your session.

When it’s time we’ll meet for your session via Zoom and dive as deep as you desire to go.

Within 24-48 hours after wrapping up, you’ll receive the recording of our session.


Save 30% during The Cat Days of Summer!
You + Me + 120 Minutes = Your Life Changed


When was the last time you sat with someone in a sacred space of trust, commitment, and vision?

If you’ve never experienced it—the time is now.

If it’s been a hot minute—the time is now.


Save ##% during The Cat Days of Summer!