
You’re here to fall in love with your life and
bring your dreams into reality.



We are the dreamers. The doers.
We are creators.
We are role models.
We may stumble. We may fall.
But we always rise.
We’re here to make a difference.
And we do.
We’re here to become who we are capable of being.
And day-by-day, we do.

Yet, as amazing as we are, we still occasionally find ourselves stuck as fuck in our lives.

Those moments, where you’re more stuck than ever and with every fiber of your being you crave the pure bliss that comes when you know that you’re living the life you’re meant for. The ones where you’d do anything to find just an ounce of positive, forward momentum—are downright magical.

Because in those moments you stop denying what you truly want, you stop buying into your own excuses and bullshit about why you don’t yet have what you want, why you aren’t being who you know you can be.

The internal switch flicks.


And you declare “Enough is enough.”


But beware, because that next moment is the critical one.

If you miss it if you fail to take a new action, an action aligned with the feeling of enough is motherfucking enough, an action aligned with what you want…well then gorgeous, you’ll find yourself right back stuck as fuck.

Only worse because now you’re doubting your ability to change, you’re questioning whether you really can have what you want, and you’re beating yourself up for being back in the bloody muck.

It’s a vicious trap.


Trust me on that, I’ve been in it…more than once.
(Sometimes, I really like to learn my lessons the hard way.)

The first time I was stuck was in my second year of university and it felt as though I was living the wrong life. There I was on the path to medical school and I was miserable.

My immediate solution that time: party 6 nights a week, keeping Tuesdays free to recover (not the most productive approach…)

The next time I got stuck, I literally got stuck.

After a four-year hiatus, I was back on the path to medical school when in the middle of a biochem lab I leaned over to toss out a pair of gloves and pain shot up my spine and down to my feet.

And I couldn’t straighten back up. Literally stuck.

My striving and pushing through because I was “supposed to” become a doctor had me ignoring the nudges and wisdom of my Abundant Self (you have an Abundant You too).

My persistent denial of her wisdom forced her to take radical action to get my attention.

And despite it being hell at the time, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, because it led me here, to running this business, which I love, and to serving women who fucking inspire me every single day.

The first time I was stuck was in my second year of university and it felt as though I was living the wrong life. There I was on the path to medical school and I was miserable.

My immediate solution that time: party 6 nights a week, keeping Tuesdays free to recover (not the most productive approach…)

The next time I got stuck, I literally got stuck.

After a four-year hiatus, I was back on the path to medical school when in the middle of a biochem lab I leaned over to toss out a pair of gloves and pain shot up my spine and down to my feet.

And I couldn’t straighten back up. Literally stuck.

My striving and pushing through because I was “supposed to” become a doctor had me ignoring the nudges and wisdom of my Abundant Self (you have an Abundant You too).

My persistent denial of her wisdom forced her to take radical action to get my attention.

And despite it being hell at the time, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, because it led me here, to running this business, which I love, and to serving women who fucking inspire me every single day.

Along the way, I’ve listened for those little nudges from my Abundant Self and followed them more and more frequently.

As with all journeys…

There have been stumbles and fall-on-my-face failures.

Wins and losses.

Celebrations and crushing disappointments.

Challenges galore and a metric fuck tonne of personal growth.

Through it all, I kept believing that voice (even when it was a mere whisper compared to the screaming doubts) that I am here for a greater purpose. (Psst…so are you.)

And that purpose is why I’m here, why this digital space exists, and maybe why you’re here reading this message. Because somewhere deep down, you know that…

You are worthy of the dreams on your heart, the ones you’ve dismissed, downplayed and denied for far too long already, they’re yours—you are meant to LIVE them.

My life’s mission is to help you do that.

Are you ready?

Because you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.
xoxo natalie








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Natalie Williams is a mindset coach and business consultant empowering women around the world to achieve their dreams and become the woman they were born to be.

More than 8 years ago, she was a pre-med student with a nagging sense that something about the path she’d returned to wasn’t right. After months of ignoring the nudges from her true self, which she calls Abundant Natalie, she received a radical wake up call in the form of a diagnosis with degenerative disc disease.

That diagnosis was a turning point, she left the goal of medical school behind and embarked on a healing journey, for not only her physical body but her mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well, and in 2013 launched her business.

In the years since, she’s continued to study, learn, experiment, and grow, her business evolving along with her.

Today, she works with women around the world helping them name and claim their deepest, boldest dreams, bust through the inner blocks keeping them stuck so they can free themselves to be, do, and have everything they desire.

Everything Natalie does is to help women connect with their abundant selves and unapologetically love their lives and live their dreams.