Five little letters. A BIG life-changing word.
Do you trust yourself?
I mean really and truly, fully and completely trust yourself?
I don’t. Not fully. I’m working on it and will be for the rest of my life, but I still don’t always trust myself fully (sometimes there’s barely a glimmer of trust).
I question my decisions to the point where I fail to actually decide.
I question my ability to achieve my goals.
I wonder if I’ll follow through on what I tell myself I need to do for me.
Some areas of my life my trust is strong and others…well not so much.
But I’m continuing to grow my self-trust. I am consciously and continually bringing my awareness back to areas of mistrust.
To explore why the fuck it’s so terrifying to trust myself.
To heal.
To forgive myself.
And then…
To realize that there’s actually nothing to forgive because there are no mistakes, there are no missteps, every decision, every action is always perfect.
To feel what trusting myself feels like.
To visualize myself as the me who trusts myself fully, completely, and always.
To step into knowing that I already am her right now, in this moment.
Our natural state is trust.
We learn not to trust.
We learn not to trust our own judgment.
We learn to doubt ourselves and our capabilities.
Trust is natural.
Doubt is learned.
And that’s actually good news because it means we can unlearn it!
We can see that our self-doubt is a false perception. We can see that self-trust is the truth.
Every day we can release our doubts.
Every day we can step more fully into trust.
The more I play with this, the more I look at times I trusted myself in contrast to times I doubted and the more obvious it becomes that self-trust isn’t scary. It’s actually the opposite.
Doubt is fucking terrifying.
Trust is liberating. It’s calming. It’s grounding.
When we trust ourselves.
When we allow ourselves to fully and completely trust ourselves we experience a calm certainty, a deep inner knowing that lets us know that everything is always okay. Everything is always perfect.
Trust does that.
What would you do today if you had just 1% more trust in yourself?
Journal on this.
Think deeply about this.
And then act on it.
Every day ask yourself: if I had just 1% more trust in myself, what would I be doing now? And then go do it.
Try it. What do you have to lose?
Nothing. Yet, there’s so much to be gained.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.