You are powerful enough to create the change you desire.
If you want to experience something different you have to change who you are.
You have to transform some part of you (maybe several parts).
You have to be different.
You don’t have to be someone that you’re not. Rather you have to release everything that’s keeping you from being who you really are.
It’s not complicated. But it’s not always easy. And it’s often scary as fuck.
It’s not always easy because our nature is to resist change.
We don’t want to change.
We fear change.
We fear what we’ll lose.
We fear what we’ll leave behind.
The ego-mind freaks the fuck out at the idea of changing who you are because it’s fully and completely tied to who it thinks you are.
It holds on.
It grips.
It clings to the you that you’ve always been.
It chooses safety.
In the process of choosing safety, what do you lose?
What do you miss out on?
What dreams do you brush off as pipe dreams to justify why you don’t live them?
What desires do you allow to fall by the wayside?
Who do you miss out on meeting?
Who do you miss out on seeing when you look in the mirror?
Maybe that’s the biggest one, the most painful question.
Who do you fail to become because you choose to use all the power you have inside you to remain as you’ve been?
You are powerful.
You can change.
You can transform.
You are capable of so much more than you know.
You are worthy of having your dreams and desires manifest.
You absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.