The results you’ve produced aren’t “good” or “bad”, they aren’t “successes” or “failures” either.
Results are just information.
Your results are nothing more than information.
This is key to understand as you move more and more into your vision.
Your results are just information.
You did something and X happened.
If you like X, cool! Keep doing the thing that produced it.
If you don’t like X, cool! Stop doing the thing that produced it.
X is just a result, it’s only information.
The story you tell about X is what really matters.
What are you making X mean?
This ^^ is key.
What you make X mean, determines how you feel. And how you feel influences your actions and the effectiveness of your actions.
If X sucked, that suckiness occurred in the past.
If you’re berating yourself for it now then you’ve brought the past into the present. And you are choosing to feel like shit.
So, why the fuck are you choosing to feel like shit now when X is just information to use?
It’s a choice.
You take an action.
Something happens.
You make up a story about what happened.
If the story you’re telling doesn’t feel good then CHOOSE to tell a new story.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.