How much time do you spend each day worrying?
Be honest with yourself here even if it’s uncomfortable (perhaps especially if it’s uncomfortable).
It’s often more time than we’d like to admit to ourselves. Yet, it’s only when we admit it that we can change it.
I didn’t use to give much thought to what was really going on when I worried, and I used to have world-class worry skills. Seriously!
Growing up I was called a worrywart, later when I was in therapy there was a whole boatload of time spent talking about the many, many worries I had. Heck, I had debilitating anxiety attacks from worrying!
What a waste of energy. What a tremendous waste of creative power.
Think about what worrying is.
You are literally imagining a future that you do NOT want.
Why would you do this?
Instead of worrying about the ways things won’t work out, try imagining all the ways things will work out.
Instead of worrying about the things that could go wrong, try imagining all the things that could go right.
Instead of worrying about what happens if you don’t reach a goal, try imagining all the things that will happen when you do.
Worry about negative outcomes that may not happen OR picture positive outcomes that may happen?
Both options take the same amount of energy, the same amount of effort.
They produce VASTLY different results.
Choose wisely.
Remember, you absolutely can Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams. It all begins within.